![[Translate to Englisch:] STUVA-Preis [Translate to Englisch:] STUV-Preis](downloads/_processed_/3/8/csm_STUVA-Preis_c80086a1d7.jpg)
At the STUVA Conference 2025 in Hamburg (25 to 27 November 2025) STUVA (Research Association for Tunnels and Transportation Facilities) will award the
STUVA Prize 2025
for outstanding innovation in the field of underground construction.
Originally, STUVA established the prize in order to promote the idea of making better use of underground space among professionals and the general public. Since its introduction in 1997, the prize has been awarded once every two years at the STUVA Conference. The prize consists of an original sculpture especially designed and executed for the occasion by a well-known artist.
Honoured are those persons whose work is considered to be an exceptionally outstanding innovation in underground construction or related fields. Included are all fields of underground construction, such as planning, construction, operation, safety issues, environmental protection, theory, experimentation, efficiency, financing and marketing. In addition, persons who have devoted their working lives to tunnel or underground construction are eligible to win.
Winners of the STUVA Prize to date:
1997 Ltd. Baudirektor Rolf Bielecki
1999 Dipl.-Ing. Claus Becker
2001 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Brameshuber
2003 Projekt NEAT, Schweiz
2005 Dr.-Ing. E. h. Martin Herrenknecht
2007 Projekt Betuweroute, Niederlande
2009 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Heinz Duddeck
2011 Projekt Citybanan, Stockholm, Schweden
2013 Baurat h. c. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Georg-Michael Vavrovsky
2015 Projekt Wehrhahn-Linie Düsseldorf, Deutschland
2017 Deutsche Bahn AG
2019 Dipl.-Ing. ETH Felix Amberg
2021 Kombi-Lösung Karlsruhe
2023 Dipl-Ing. ETH Heinz Ehrbar
The Jury is made up of STUVA’s Board of Directors:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ziegler (Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Tim Dahlmann-Resing (1st Vice-Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Edgar Schömig (2nd Vice-Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Lars Babendererde
Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Blome
Dr.-Ing. Katja Hüske
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Günter Girnau (Honorary Member of the Board)